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Mission Statement

TRINITY EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH IS PEOPLE who are born of Water and the Spirit, and are nurtured by Word and Sacrament. We seek to worship the Holy Trinity by proclaiming the Holy Scripture, celebrating our Christian heritage, and having a compassionate heart.

THUS THE MISSION OF TRINITY EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, ROANOKE, ILLINOIS Is to carry the message of God’s love personally to others, especially the unchurched of Roanoke, and to join together in mission with other churches of the EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, in proclaiming Christ crucified and risen to the people of Illinois, the United States and the rest of the world.

To this end let us pray:

O Sweetest Love, Your grace on us bestow;

Set our hearts with sacred fire aglow,

That with hearts united we love each other,

Ev’ry stranger, sister, and brother

(Lutheran Service Book #768 stanza 2 Concordia Publishing House 2006 )